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1.  Review the below two documents:

2.  Complete registration at the link below: 

3.  Register your swimmer as a junior Club One member. All swimmers must be members of Club One.  If your swimmer already has a membership, nothing further is required.  If not, Club One offers a Junior Membership for the swim season as follows. 


  • You can either email the completed form to Missy at or drop it off at the Club One front desk.

  • Click here to make the payment. Cost is $60 for a season Junior Membership, and $20 for each additional swimmer. OR you can register for a $199 season Family Membership (up to 4 people).

  • NOTE: As of 4/26, Club One is in the process of updating their website to accommodate online payments for our team's Jr. Memberships. If you want to pay now, you can pay by check/card at the front desk. Or, you can wait until Club One has the payment link up. Either way, you must pay prior to the start of the season.

©2024 by Spirit Swim Team

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